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Employment and the NDIS - embarking on your employment journey

The benefits of employment go far beyond the financial aspects. Holding a job expands social opportunities and networks, raises living standards and promotes independence. The NDIS is well aware of the many positive outcomes that go hand in hand with working, so it is committed to assisting participants in employment.

Employment supports within the NDIS include on-the-job support, employment-related assessments and counselling, and individual and group employment supports.

Having a job often increases feelings of self-worth by creating a sense of purpose, but it can also present many challenges. Here at Bright Plan Management, we encourage those who want to work to go for it and are here for support when needed.

Thinking about starting work? We’ve created a checklist of things to consider before discussing employment supports at your planning meeting:

Employment and the NDIS - embarking on your employment journey
Employment and the NDIS - embarking on your employment journey

Why are you wanting to work?

It’s important to determine why you want to work, as this will help you seek out employment opportunities that suit your goals. If you’re wanting to expand your social network looking into roles that promote teamwork and collaboration is a great place to start. If you’re seeking more independence, jobs that encourage autonomous work and initiative would be ideal.

Employment can help you work towards the other goals in your plan, so it’s a fantastic idea to seek out a job that aligns with both your wants and needs.

What sort of industry would you want to work in?

Figuring out the industry you’d like to be employed in will help your LAC and Plan manager determine roles that could suit both your needs and your goals. Consider your interests, any prior work history, education and goals. Finding an industry that needs your talents while also understanding the supports you need can be tricky, but not impossible. Carefully weighing up pros and cons will bring you a step closer to securing employment that suits you.

Also, consider whether you would need a support worker to assist you with the role. Be sure to bring this up in the planning meeting.

How many hours could you work?

It’s important to seriously consider your capacity for work, especially if it is your first time entering the workforce or you are reentering after a significant amount of time off. You want to make sure you can sustain a job in a healthy manner, so it’s advisable to assess how many hours you could work a week without it detracting from your quality of life. Seeking flexible, casual work is a recommended way to ease your way into employment, giving yourself enough time to adjust to the changes it brings.

If you’ve identified employment as one of your goals in your NDIS plan and want help reaching this goal, get in contact with the Bright Plan Management team. We’re here to help!



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