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How to request for NDIS plan changes or reviews

Depending on your NDIS plan, a review will automatically occur every 12 or 24 months at the end of your plan cycle. These planned reviews allow you to review your NDIS plan regularly to ensure that your plan continues to meet your needs. They allow you the opportunity to adjust your plan if your circumstances have changed.

It’s important to know that if your circumstances change before your plan review is due, for example, your housing situation changes and that impacts your supports, you can request an early review to have changes made to ensure your NDIS plan consistently meets your needs.

We’ve answered some key questions about this below.

How to request for NDIS plan changes or reviews
How to request for NDIS plan changes or reviews

You should request an early review as soon as your circumstances change and your plan no longer meets your needs in the way that it should. You should also request a review if you believe your plan cannot adequately fund the support you require.

To take the example from earlier, your housing situation may change and this requires you to need more in-home support. This would be a reason to request an early review. Alternatively, you may experience a change in your disability that requires more or less funding to support.

How do I request a change or review?

Use the “NDIS Reviewable Decision Form” to request a change or review.

There are a number of ways to submit this form:

  • Visit an NDIS office to speak to a team member

  • Call on 1800 800 110

  • Email the request form to

  • Or mail the request to Chief Executive Officer National Disability Insurance Agency, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601.

Do I need to prepare anything for my early NDIS plan review?

If you receive approval for an early review, you should begin preparing for your meeting. Having a clear outline of how your circumstances have changed and how your NDIS plan no longer sufficiently meets your needs is key to a successful review.

If you need help preparing for a plan review, read our comprehensive guide here.

Looking for help managing the day-to-day admin of your NDIS plan? Reach out to the Bright Plan Management team today to chat to one of our friendly Plan Managers.



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