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If I’m not eligible for the NDIS, can I still get assistance?

Most people apply to the NDIS because they believe that they require extra support in their daily lives, so it can be incredibly disheartening to find that you are not eligible for the NDIS.

However, just because you’ve been rejected does not mean that there is no assistance available to you.

Below, we’ve outlined how you can still receive assistance and gain access to support even if you weren’t approved for the NDIS.

Eligibility for NDIS

Why might I not be eligible for the NDIS?

The assessment process for the NDIS is incredibly thorough and includes an appeal process to ensure people who need the NDIS gain access to it.

There are two main reasons people may not be eligible for the NDIS. The NDIS may find that your disability is not permanent. They may also find that your disability is not significant enough to allow for eligibility for the scheme.

What assistance can I receive if I am not eligible?

While the NDIA may find that you are not eligible for the NDIS, they may identify that you still require some level of support that is best served by other systems.

If you are not approved for the NDIS, reach out to your local area coordinator. They will be able to help you connect with other mainstream supports and community systems that can assist you with gaining independence.

What other supports are there other than the NDIS?

There are countless other programs, systems and supports set up in the community to assist those who have a disability.

The NDIS website has a comprehensive list of supports available for people who are not eligible for the NDIS. View it here.

Have a question about the NDIS? The Bright Plan Management team are here to help! Reach out today to discuss.



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