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Latest changes to transport & travel under the NDIS

Are you up to date on the NDIS travel and transport changes that came into effect on the 1st of March 2020?

The Bright Plan Management team are here to explain the changes and how they benefit both NDIS participants and NDIS service providers.

Latest changes to transport & travel under the NDIS
Latest changes to transport & travel under the NDIS

What are the changes?

As of March 1st 2020, much more flexibility was introduced to the NDIS in regards to travel and transport. According to the NDIS website, “NDIS participants can now use their plan’s core support funding to claim service provider costs associated with transporting participants to and from NDIS funded community-based activities.”

This does not change or replace existing transport payments and arrangements, rather it works in tandem with them.

What does this mean for participants?

Ultimately, this change means that participants will potentially have access to greater funding for transport and travel in relation to community-based activities. It is well known that many NDIS participants experience their transport funding running out far too quickly. By allowing flexibility with the core funding, NDIS participants will not be limited by the transport amount only available in their transport budget.

Be certain to make sure that accessing a portion of your core funding for transport does not impact your core funding for other supports.

What does this mean for providers?

Under the new changes, providers can now claim a portion of their vehicle running costs when transporting NDIS participants.

Service providers and NDIS participants now have the opportunity to discuss and agree on non-labour costs. These include:

  • Up to $0.85 a kilometre for a non-accessible standard vehicle

  • Up to $2.40 a kilometre for a modified accessible vehicle or bus

  • And other forms of transport or associated costs up to the full amount, such as road toll, parking and public transport fares.

These changes mean that there is more room in the NDIS budget to compensate service providers for their time and assets.

Key things to note:

  • This funding can only be used when a registered service provider is both transporting you and giving you support at the destination - you can’t use this funding to pay for general transport costs such as Ubers and taxis

  • You need to speak to your plan manager to discuss accessing this funding - it does not automatically apply

  • Ensure your plan manager and LAC understand what your core transport needs are to ensure the funding is applied to your situation correctly

Need help making sense of these changes or deciphering if you can take advantage of them? Reach out to the Bright Plan Management Team today to discuss!



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